Powerful Tips to Lose Fat
There are areas of the body, if you’re with those extra kilos, which is stored in the body fat deposits, being unable to delete it: are accumulated toxins that are “pending” to be eliminated in some way (abdomen, face, parts of the back (below the shoulders, in the area of the shoulder blades, arm areas, legs, buttocks, etc. ). What is that?
If you apply these tips regularly, you can get that fat burning, delete, and improve the firmness of your muscles to gradually improve the muscle tone. The two go hand in hand: lose weight and improve those body parts that are hopelessly.
source : themadnessofgeorgedubya.org
Apply today these 4 tips to lose fat, lose weight and gain muscle tone:
1. Decides to take a correct attitude. It is your decision, is the logical first step, which enables you to do things with continuity: change some lifestyle habits, decide to do things that involve movement, in small details of everyday life. Sports would be ideal, but if you do not choose to walk, move, stand up, go sit a while or in your office and move, up, down stairs, (lowest to highest, just a day), etc. It’s your choice.
2. Respect the body’s natural cycles: this means eating a balanced spread of 4 to 6 meals a day at convenient times. Natural cycles lasting each about 8 pm. Cycle Elimination: ranging from 4 to 6 am until 12 pm or 14 noons: in this cycle the body is eliminating toxins. It is desirable fruit juices, fresh fruit and a light breakfast, if you want to lose weight ..Appropriation Cycle: noon (12, 14 pm until 20 pm or 22 pm.): here spreads the lunch, snack and dinner, the agency “accepts” the food, you should maintain a balanced diet that allows you to lose weight and gain muscle tone. Assimilation Cycle: once taken the food, not eating more. After 20 or 22 hours, let the body go, “organizing” ..
3. In addition, a secret to losing weight is to eat (at least) about 3 hours before bedtime, so the body assimilates nutrients properly: if you go to bed with a full stomach, shortly after dinner, the food becomes toxins … and toxins become overweight … and accumulate in these areas you already know.
4. Carry out a balanced diet: with a balanced diet, you can lose at most 2 kg a week, the achievement are in the medium term, and is best for your health: lose fat and improve your muscle tone! Please give it time to your body!